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Small Business General Counsel Services



Many of our clients are business owners. We have been representing entrepreneurs of all sizes for many years; from family-owned “mom and pop” operations to large franchises and companies with multiple locations in several states. We help business owners design, implement and maintain effective plans to help them reduce their personal liability, preserve all viable income tax deductions, facilitate the owner’s retirement, maintain family harmony, retain key employees and minimize income, gift and estate taxes.


To help owners protect estates and businesses that have been a lifetime in the making, we focus on an integrated approach to planning. This approach includes legal, insurance, financial and tax planning issues. More important, it includes discussions about family values and belief systems. As a result, we rely heavily on the expertise of our clients’ other professional advisors to help create the most effective team for our clients’ success.


Some of our business representation is done on an hourly basis. Hourly rates differ for attorneys and paralegals. We will give you a “best estimate” of the total fee based on the scope of the work we’re hired to do. Generally, we will give you a maximum amount that we will not exceed without permission. In most cases, however, we will quote you a flat fee to perform your legal work. In any event, we and our clients will sign an Engagement Agreement that identifies each of our rights, duties and obligations, and the agreed upon fees.


Initial meetings for all business-related matters will vary in time depending on the topics discussed. Because we will be giving you legal advice and discussing various strategies, there is a charge for this meeting. Although you have no obligation to hire us to work for you after the first meeting, you will receive advice and information you can use immediately.




The Law Office of Jane E. DePalma

PO Box 4094

Dedham, Massachusetts 02027

phone: 781-326-8300 

Copyright 2013 The Law Office of Jane E. DePalma

All rights reserved.

This web site may be considered advertising under Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Rules and other state ethical rules. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.  The content of this web site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal advice, should not be relied upon in order to solve individual or general legal matters, and is not a substitute for personal consultation with legal counsel.  Specialization does not imply or infer expertise. This web page does not establish an attorney-client relationship.


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